Kids love train journeys and especially if the travel is planned well. Taking small things into considerations and giving attention to the smallest details can work wonders for you. Here we present a list of some train travel tips for you. Go over them to have a successful train journey with kids.
1. Arrive well before scheduled departure
Irrespective of whether you have booked your ticket in advance or not, you should arrive at the station at least forty-five minutes before the train arrives. This way you can take care of the seating arrangements and make the journey comfortable, especially for your kids.
2. Opt for a direct-route train
Look at the various options and you’ll amazed to see that although you have a wide range of trains to choose from, but there are only a handful that have direct route. This is important to save time. And your kids will appreciate a short journey more over a never-ending train ride!
3. Know the prices
Don’t pay adult rate for your eight- year old. Many a times, there is a low fare for children below 12 years. You might want to get complete information before you book your tickets.
4. Consider train timings
Children love gazing out the window especially when the train is passing by a country side. That’s their favorite pass time. And if you accidentally happen to book a night train then your kids are not going to like it. Or in case you have a considerable long train journey then opt for overnight train and preferably cabin for privacy of your family.
5. Always opt for a trial train journey first
Hyper active kids don’t like to sit and do nothing. Go for a short length train journey to see how your kid reacts. If he/ she like it then you can choose to go by train for long distances or else skip the idea for a few years.
6. Never ignore the train’s safety guidelines
Train travel is different from road trip. Familiarize yourself with all the safety rules and guidelines of the train. You can then make your kids aware of the train protocols. This is mandatory to protect your family from having to face uncalled for incidences and to make your travel as comfortable as possible.
7. Know about the dining car
If you are opting for a long distance train travel, then pre-book the seating/ meal at the dining car. This will avoid last minute hassles and you can ensure that your child is well-fed during the journey.
8. Exclusive backpack for kids
Kids love to carry the luggage of their own. So, allot a backpack to your kid with his/ her choice of homemade snacks, comics, story books and entertainment option such as cards, Rubik cube, puzzles, and other portable pastime. You may also stick a card on the bag displaying their name and other details.
9. Baby accessories
In case, you need to travel with your baby then pack plenty of clothes, diapers, pacifiers and baby food in a separate bag. It is advised to keep additional of everything to deal with unforeseen situations.
10. Medical kit
Need we say, you must pack essential medicines related to kids. If your kid is prone to some medical ailment then do carry the related medicine and doctor's prescription to deal with unexpected circumstance. Always encourage kids to use hand sanitizer/ soap in the journey to maintain hygiene.
Rules to remember: Always keep your kids in between and do not let them go off your sight. While waiting on the platform, boarding or deboarding the train, always hold their hands as the place may be crowded. Even while going to washroom, accompany your kids so that the help is just a call away. Make sure that you don’t leave your kids alone even for a moment while in the train. Kids are really vulnerable and can create huge problems or get into one without even blinking an eye.
With these essential travel tips, you and you kids will definitely love your train travel experience!
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