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Planning out for a vacation with friends or with singles is a quite amazing and wonderful experience. Isn't it? However, it is possible many a times that you have to plan out for some trip alone with your children. It can be a very tricky as well as challenging to manage kids and the travel happily.
But don’t you worry, keep on reading these travelling tips for moms with kids and have a good time with your little ones.
- Pack Your Bags Wisely:
The foremost important thing you have to keep in mind at the time of your journey is about the luggage. The less you pack, the more you will enjoy. Just add on one carry bag, one suitcase and a stroller for your little one. It would be smooth for you to take care of your child alone. In addition, pack clothes as per the climate of your destination.
- Some Cookies and Dry Fruits will help you a lot:
Don’t forget to bundle a small kit of healthy snacks mixed with some cookies, almonds, raisins and some candies that your child loves to eat. Yes, it happens most of the time your child don’t like the airplane food. Always carry his preferred food and refreshments for inch-by-inch munching.
- Don’t Miss Their Favorites at Home:
Mom always knows what her child loves to do. While packing up a bag don’t forget to teem with their favorites. Carry on their preferred colouring books, board games, a tiny DVD player or an iPod for the songs or movies they watch and enjoy.
- Essential documents
Remember to carry your identification cards and that of kids too! While traveling abroad do carry passports, visas and necessary permissions wherever required for taking kids broad without the other parent.
- Travelling Insurance - Save Your Bucks:
Some of the travelling insurance companies bid various offers for kids. Well-planned trip with following the insurance plans can save your money.
- Pick the Perfect destination and also analyze the Hotel before stepping in:
The destination that you choose really matters, ask your kids what kind of involvement they want for their recreation. You may choose single parent vacation packages for traveling with like minded people.
Make sure that hotel you selected is kid-friendly and all the requirement kits are available at your desk. Ask your hotel for baby-sitting services which will provide you much needed relief.
- Pack a First Aid Box and Also Involve a Backup Plan:
Always carry a thermometer, Band-Aids, cough syrups and other regular medicines in a small bag that can be used any time. Teach your children if they got lost whom they can call for help, teach them a little about road maps, memorize them your cell phone numbers etc which will be of great help you in unforeseen circumstances.
- Don’t Forget to Click a Beautiful Snap:
Last, but not the least clicking a beautiful snaps will surely talk a lot about your superb journey. Don’t forget to give some space to your camera. Keep on flashing the angelic moments and spend the ideal time together.
The above tips will comfort you a lot while knocking around with your kids and you will love travelling all the way.
Must read:
safe travel with kids - single mom traveling with kids - Travelling
Food poisoning in baby or kid is the last thing you will keep in judgment while creating a travelling plan with family. It can be as minute as stomach pain to as dangerous as last. The major symptoms of food poisoning are being sick, belly aches, mild fever and weakness.
It is prudent if travel plans include precautions and medical solutions for this problem before heading for a trip. Here are some guidelines which should be adopted to avoid food poisoning to kids while traveling.
Breast milk is the purest milk a baby can have. Breast milk should be favored instead of pasteurized milk. And it is the best option while travelling as it cuts down the prospects of food poisoning to the child. It can cause danger to the kid if his/her mother prefers the milk in plastic bottles. The bottle needs to be fresh after every two hours, which is a huge task while travelling.
Say NO to plastic covered food items
You have to be careful about the food your child is using up. Is it properly cooked or baked? It must not be handled with plastic wrappers and also keep a look at the expiry date of the food stuff. It is suggested to have some house cooked food while travelling as it would cut down the prospects of food intoxication. You can also prefer fruits for your kids, but they must be fresh and well cleaned.
Drinking Water
Keep an eye on which type of water your kid is drinking. It must be well sterilized or mineral water. Besides, on that point are some restaurants which refill the empty bottles, thus you have to get a look at the seal also and don’t forget to see the expiry date on the bottle. Water is one of the main sources from which your kid can get food poisoning.
Say no to roadside foods
Always go for food from reputed food outlets. Avoid buying from roadside vendors as they seldom follow cleanliness rules. Check from locals about reputed restaurants or resort to internet for reliable food outlets at your destination.
Don’t prefer chicken while traveling
Mostly, food poisoning occurs from meat and eggs. It could be dangerous if eggs are not properly boiled or meat is not properly cooked. They carry higher risks of food poisoning with them. It would be better if you avoid these stuffs during travelling. Also, this counts in a heavy diet, which should be avoided during travelling.
Sterilized materials
Make sure the spoons or the plates you are using must be sterilized. Also, there must be no dirt in your kid’s hands as they give a pathway to bacteria to let inside the body and cause stomach issues. Develop a habit of hand washing in kids before eating and after using washrooms.
Must have items in your carry bag
Keep some antibiotics, energy drinks and sanitizer with your luggage and don’t forget to have a thermometer. Also, pack some emergency food which must be easier and can be used during an emergency. If the child is having stomach ache or showing symptoms of food poisoning, ensure the kid drinks loads of water and contact the nearby doctor as soon as possible.
Follow these tips to avoid food poisoning and for safe travel with kids.
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food poisoning in kid - safe travel with kids - Travelling
If your travel is limited by time then you'll probably want to make the most of every day. Even if you're on an extended trip, chances are you may never have the opportunity to return to these same destinations. Without overdoing it, you naturally want to see and do all you can but how exactly do you optimise your time on the road?
Simply put, planning is the key. I have created and implemented many travel itineraries before I leave from home; all you need is a guidebook and internet connection. Use the guidebook initially to identify the cities or towns that you'd like to visit and the best way to link them up using the transportation available. In your planning, consider whether you'll be travelling in one direction or doing a loop back at your initial arrival point. If you do need to return to where you arrived consider a domestic flight because often the price and time saved compares favourably to overland travel.
Using your guidebook to establish distance and travel times between destinations will help you to determine how many nights you should stay. Sometimes, you can travel in the morning, explore in the afternoon, stay a night and move on again the following morning. Larger cities may mean allocating the afternoon and the next day or two to sightseeing. Once again, your guidebook will give a good insight into the various tourist attractions and enable you to determine approximately how long it will take to see them.
After you have created your itinerary you can depart with confidence and you won't need to worry about where you'll go next and how long to stay. Do be flexible in your planning and open to suggestions along the way. Other travellers and their personal recommendations will always be one of your greatest resources, whether it is through online travel forums or people you meet at hostels. Travellers seem to form a global community that naturally want to ensure that everyone has the best experience they can. This sense of sharing and togetherness will be a wonderful part of your journey.
Try to do your daily planning the evening before so you know what you're doing in the morning. It's not difficult and doesn't take a lot of time but it's time you won't need to waste before you leave for the day. Choose the tourist attractions that you'd like to visit and estimate how long you will spend at each one. Consider their geographic locations and how best to travel between them. Are they clustered together within walking distance or will you need public transport? Determine the best form of transportation and even note down a few details such as bus numbers or train lines.
The more prepared you can be ahead of time, the easier your travel and daily sightseeing will be. This preparation is the key to optimising your time on the road. It'll help you to achieve more and avoid unfulfilled expectations. Do bear in mind though that it's usually impossible to see and do everything. Doing your best in the time you have will naturally create many happy memories and see you return home with a great sense of satisfaction.
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Traveling needs conceptualizing, planning and organizing. When it comes to air traveling with kids, this same task calls for extra attention to all details. Our children are completely dependent on us and so we as adults need to make sure that their journey is safe, comfortable and joyful. To shoo away your worries, here is a comprehensive ‘to do’ list for your safe and enjoyable air travel with kids:
Plan well in advance
Adults don't have a luxury to opt for a last minute travel if they are going to be accompanied by their kids. Planning is very important if you wish you make it a hassle-free affair. Always decide in advance one parent will accompany kids and the other one will get things done once the family leaves for airport. For reaching the airport, you may request a friend to drop you else book a cab in advance to avoid last minute hassle.
Before you leave for airport
Web check-in and online seats assignment are big time savers. These small things save you from lots of hassles when you are on airport with your baby/ kid. Remember to print out your boarding pass as well and put them on top of your cabin bag. Along with this, you must have your IDs, tour itinerary and important contact numbers of travel agent/ contact person of your destination.
Consider possible emergencies
Make a checklist of what you can possibly need for your child during the travel. Also check with the airlines if they allow stroller and car seat for lap infant. Also, make sure that you pay attention to the standard emergency briefing. You may also talk to the flight attendant if they have any emergency equipment for children in particular.
Carry-on luggage should be thoroughly equipped
Right from your kid’s food, water, milk, baby food, snacks and medications, your cabin luggage should include everything in sufficient quantities. For babies, remember to carry the pacifiers, milk bottles and plenty of diapers. Children tend to get bored very soon. Don’t forget to carry some items of their interest too so that they don’t bother you too much.
Linkies Farm Baby Travel Link Toy - $29.87 Linkies Farm Soft Toys Set is a perfect car seat or stroller travel toy!
This great car seat or stroller toy is guaranteed to be the favorite baby toy and travel toy for the first years! Browse through and choose from many other similar products available under baby travel toys category. |
Security checks before boarding the plane
Check with the officials if there are special lanes for security checks of families. Also ascertain if they allow slings/ strollers/ car seats to be used while security checks going on and after that as well till the time of boarding the plane. In addition, prepare your kids well about the security process in order to seek cooperation from them. Once the process is done, let the kids run around or play in play area of the airport. It is also the time to head to the restroom to change diapers of your baby or buy some last minute snacks/ water bottles for your family.
No aisle seat for your child
While most kids love the window seat, there are also a few who would want to sit on the aisle one. But don’t allow them to sit there for too long and definitely not if you see the serving cart coming.
Taking off, in flight and landing time
The ear pressure during takeoff and landing can disturb your baby/ kids a lot. So it’s better to nurse your baby or bottle feed him or use pacifiers to divert the attention. For older kids, gum can do the trick. Encourage them to take a nap so that the journey is less tiresome for them.
Don’t let your kids wander in the airplane without you having an eye on them. During long journeys you should take extra care of this. Engage them in some conversation, book reading or playing with small toys.
Sharp, heavy and toys that can break easily should be avoided while traveling by air. Electronic games should be immediately closed as per the instructions.
Keep the child belted at all times
This can be very tough especially if you have a hyper-active kid, but nevertheless you will at all costs have portray this cruelty just to make sure that your kid is safe and very much in his place.
Unforeseen situations
Flight delays obviously upset anybody but you cannot do anything about it. It is better to be prepared for it especially w.r.t. kids. While on flight, bad weather conditions or emergency landing do create havoc. The best thing at that time is to follow the instructions of the crew and maintain your composure. Your kids will react in the same way as you will.
A child’s responsibility is the biggest ever. And you cannot blame anybody if things don’t fall according to your plan. The most important thing to remember is never panic no matter what. Instead think of all the alternatives that can come handy in case of emergencies!
Hope these air travel tips with infants and kids have helped you to plan your air travel. Have a safe journey!
safe travel with kids - Travelling - travelling with kids
Kids love train journeys and especially if the travel is planned well. Taking small things into considerations and giving attention to the smallest details can work wonders for you. Here we present a list of some train travel tips for you. Go over them to have a successful train journey with kids.
1. Arrive well before scheduled departure
Irrespective of whether you have booked your ticket in advance or not, you should arrive at the station at least forty-five minutes before the train arrives. This way you can take care of the seating arrangements and make the journey comfortable, especially for your kids.
2. Opt for a direct-route train
Look at the various options and you’ll amazed to see that although you have a wide range of trains to choose from, but there are only a handful that have direct route. This is important to save time. And your kids will appreciate a short journey more over a never-ending train ride!
3. Know the prices
Don’t pay adult rate for your eight- year old. Many a times, there is a low fare for children below 12 years. You might want to get complete information before you book your tickets.
4. Consider train timings
Children love gazing out the window especially when the train is passing by a country side. That’s their favorite pass time. And if you accidentally happen to book a night train then your kids are not going to like it. Or in case you have a considerable long train journey then opt for overnight train and preferably cabin for privacy of your family.
5. Always opt for a trial train journey first
Hyper active kids don’t like to sit and do nothing. Go for a short length train journey to see how your kid reacts. If he/ she like it then you can choose to go by train for long distances or else skip the idea for a few years.
6. Never ignore the train’s safety guidelines
Train travel is different from road trip. Familiarize yourself with all the safety rules and guidelines of the train. You can then make your kids aware of the train protocols. This is mandatory to protect your family from having to face uncalled for incidences and to make your travel as comfortable as possible.
7. Know about the dining car
If you are opting for a long distance train travel, then pre-book the seating/ meal at the dining car. This will avoid last minute hassles and you can ensure that your child is well-fed during the journey.
8. Exclusive backpack for kids
Kids love to carry the luggage of their own. So, allot a backpack to your kid with his/ her choice of homemade snacks, comics, story books and entertainment option such as cards, Rubik cube, puzzles, and other portable pastime. You may also stick a card on the bag displaying their name and other details.
9. Baby accessories
In case, you need to travel with your baby then pack plenty of clothes, diapers, pacifiers and baby food in a separate bag. It is advised to keep additional of everything to deal with unforeseen situations.
10. Medical kit
Need we say, you must pack essential medicines related to kids. If your kid is prone to some medical ailment then do carry the related medicine and doctor's prescription to deal with unexpected circumstance. Always encourage kids to use hand sanitizer/ soap in the journey to maintain hygiene.
Rules to remember: Always keep your kids in between and do not let them go off your sight. While waiting on the platform, boarding or deboarding the train, always hold their hands as the place may be crowded. Even while going to washroom, accompany your kids so that the help is just a call away. Make sure that you don’t leave your kids alone even for a moment while in the train. Kids are really vulnerable and can create huge problems or get into one without even blinking an eye.
With these essential travel tips, you and you kids will definitely love your train travel experience!
Must visit:
safe travel with kids - train travel - Travelling
Traveling with kids can be very challenging, but with right kind of awareness and a little alertness too, you can have a memorable time while traveling. A road trip with kids has its own benefits and some challenges too! Here are some essential pointers that you can consider before and while you are on your most awaited road trip with kids:
It starts with your car maintenance
Make it a point to check whether everything in your car is intact or not. Make sure you get the car’s maintenance done just before your road trip. In addition, carry the tool kit to deal with unexpected situations on the way.
Safety of your child is more important than anything else
Have a proper seat installed for your kid. You may contact the experts to do so if you are unsure of how to go about it.
Plan your trip wisely
Get basic medical check-ups of your baby done just before you start for your trip. Should you notice any anomaly, you must postpone your trip. Else, if possible, carry the requires medicines prescribed by doctor to handle any After all, there’s nothing important than your child’s health.
Decide on favorable travel time and season
Try to travel when the temperatures are moderate. Children not always reciprocate well to extreme climatic conditions. It is better to carry umbrella and raincoat if rains are expected and extra winter wear plus gear to handle extreme winter conditions.
Take breaks at regular intervals
Kids not always prefer nonstop traveling. They can enjoy more if you stop at regular intervals. They would appreciate it more if you keep explaining about things and places that pass by.
Carry enough food and drinks
Don’t let your child indulge too much in the junk food that you buy from the roadside restaurants. Home-made food, juices and loads of water is all that you need to carry along.
Try to keep your children entertained
Children tend to bother their elders when they get tired or bored. And so you need to make sure that you are taking care of your kid’s mood. Maybe you could take some storybooks or games along.
Take things of your interest
Looking after children all the time can be very nerve-wrecking. You also need to make sure that you are giving equal importance to yourself while going on a road trip. Pack things that you and your spouse like. It doesn’t harm to be selfish at times!
Also do not forget to carry your first-aid box, that’s very essential. It would be ideal to carry necessary medicines related to kids, toiletry kit, tissue papers and hand sanitizer.
Let your close friend and family know about where you are heading to. In case of emergency, they will take care of your things back home!
Wish you all the best for your safe road trip with kids!
Let your close friend and family know about where you are heading to. In case of emergency, they will take care of your things back home!
Wish you all the best for your safe road trip with kids!
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All roads lead to Rome
All roads lead to Rome
safe travel with kids - tips for safe road trip with kids - Travelling
Smearing colours on each other and splashing water- this scene instantly brings the fond memories of Holi festival to my mind though I only watch people splashing water and colours. :)
My idea of Holi is all about preparing delicacies and enjoying them with family. Besides, I enjoy exchanging greetings with all those who mean to me a lot in my life. In fact, I do feel we can find some eco friendly and alternative ways to enjoy Holi as often we do hear instances of mishaps due to negligence or otherwise.
Instead of wasting tonnes of water down the streets, it would be better to create huge water tub filled with natural colours at common place and enjoy the celebrations. However, there are other ways too that exclude unnecessary water usage.
Another way rather a beautiful option is to play holi with flower petals. In some parts of India, people shower petals on each other and celebrate in eco-friendly way.
Create colours at home with daily use items such as turmeric, vegetables, henna powder, sandalwood powder, dried leaves and flowers. These are natural and skin-friendly giving no harm to users. Avoid chemical colours and other harmful options.
Involving kids in Holi preparations be it in kitchen or in decoration is another awesome way. Ask your kids to express their feelings about the festival by way of drawings/ paintings or write-up as well.
My six year old daughter has just created her imagination on the paper and here it is:
We have pasted her masterpiece on the door of her room.
Let there be colours of love, faith, hope and happiness everywhere. Wish you all a safe, memorable and eco-friendly Holi!!
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holi celebrations - Travelling
Playing sports is indeed beneficial for all round growth of children. Nevertheless, it requires several safety measures so that kids remain absolutely safe while playing sports. Here are essential safety tips for kids while playing sports:
Adequate Hydration: While playing any sport be it lawn tennis or some team sports such as soccer, it is important to stay hydrated. Kids must drink adequate water and fluids to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.
Skin safety: Direct sun rays can damage the sensitive skin of kids. Therefore use of caps, sunglasses and sunscreen is essential. In fact, sunscreen should be reapplied in every 2-3 hours to avoid heat rash and skin tanning.
Warming up and cooling down: It is important to warm up before playing sports because it helps the body to prepare for rigorous physical stress. Moreover, it also improves the flexibility and strength of muscles and bones. Cooling down is equally important after sports session as it relaxes the overstressed muscles and nerves and brings them back to normal temperature.
Use of sports safety guards: Proper sports safety guards such as helmet, knee caps, elbow caps, mouth guards, goggles, gloves, proper shoes or any other safety equipment depending upon the sport should be used.
Safety from mosquito bites: Kids are often bitten by bugs and mosquitoes while playing in the parks. This may cause serious problems such as malaria, skin infection, etc. Therefore, it is important to apply mosquito repellent creams, mosquito wipes and wear adequate clothing to avoid such instances.
Overindulgence: Over involvement in sports or playing without taking enough of breaks can cause harm to body in the form of injuries, sprains and strains, bodyache, etc. Therefore, parents need to monitor the playing hours of the kids.
Proper training and guidance: Kids need proper training and guidance while playing sports of any kind be it soccer, lawn tennis, cycling or swimming to avoid any mishaps, injuries or accidents. They need to learn the sport from professional trainers to learn correct usage of sports equipment and right way to play. This would avoid several physical injuries or accidents while playing sports.
Proper nutrition: Last but not the least, regular sports session and training should be accompanied with healthy nutrition containing all the food groups such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, water and minerals. This would help a lot in making kids stronger.
Adequate Hydration: While playing any sport be it lawn tennis or some team sports such as soccer, it is important to stay hydrated. Kids must drink adequate water and fluids to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.
Skin safety: Direct sun rays can damage the sensitive skin of kids. Therefore use of caps, sunglasses and sunscreen is essential. In fact, sunscreen should be reapplied in every 2-3 hours to avoid heat rash and skin tanning.
Warming up and cooling down: It is important to warm up before playing sports because it helps the body to prepare for rigorous physical stress. Moreover, it also improves the flexibility and strength of muscles and bones. Cooling down is equally important after sports session as it relaxes the overstressed muscles and nerves and brings them back to normal temperature.
Use of sports safety guards: Proper sports safety guards such as helmet, knee caps, elbow caps, mouth guards, goggles, gloves, proper shoes or any other safety equipment depending upon the sport should be used.
Safety from mosquito bites: Kids are often bitten by bugs and mosquitoes while playing in the parks. This may cause serious problems such as malaria, skin infection, etc. Therefore, it is important to apply mosquito repellent creams, mosquito wipes and wear adequate clothing to avoid such instances.
Overindulgence: Over involvement in sports or playing without taking enough of breaks can cause harm to body in the form of injuries, sprains and strains, bodyache, etc. Therefore, parents need to monitor the playing hours of the kids.
Proper training and guidance: Kids need proper training and guidance while playing sports of any kind be it soccer, lawn tennis, cycling or swimming to avoid any mishaps, injuries or accidents. They need to learn the sport from professional trainers to learn correct usage of sports equipment and right way to play. This would avoid several physical injuries or accidents while playing sports.
Proper nutrition: Last but not the least, regular sports session and training should be accompanied with healthy nutrition containing all the food groups such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, water and minerals. This would help a lot in making kids stronger.
outdoor sports for kids - safety tips for sports kids - Travelling
Do your kids prefer video games over outdoor sports? Are they hesitant to play with the kids of their age? Are they becoming couch potato merely gazing at television? Or are your kids not able to take defeat in their stride?
If your answer is yes to any of these then sorry to say your kids do not love sports enough. Is it really bad? Yes, indeed! Sports contribute to physical, mental, emotional as well as social growth of kids. Participation in sports of kids helps in all round development and improves their strengths thereby overcoming their shortcomings. Therefore, teach your kids to LOVE SPORTS.
Here are simple ways to teach your kids to love and embrace sports in their daily life:
Go out and play any sport with them be it cricket, soccer, cycling, swimming, or any other outdoor activity that involves lots of physical strain and mind power.
If your answer is yes to any of these then sorry to say your kids do not love sports enough. Is it really bad? Yes, indeed! Sports contribute to physical, mental, emotional as well as social growth of kids. Participation in sports of kids helps in all round development and improves their strengths thereby overcoming their shortcomings. Therefore, teach your kids to LOVE SPORTS.
Here are simple ways to teach your kids to love and embrace sports in their daily life:
Go out and play any sport with them be it cricket, soccer, cycling, swimming, or any other outdoor activity that involves lots of physical strain and mind power.
Encourage your kids to join classes of soccer, martial arts, skating, cricket, lawn tennis or any other that is available in your surroundings. That would help him/ her to learn a new sport and participate actively on regular basis.
Watch a tournament/ match with your kids with full enthusiasm and cheer for your favorite player. It will also evoke interest of kids in sports.
Keep yourself updated about latest in sports world and share with your kids.
Make a collage of favorite sports, collect pictures and make a scrapbook. Else you can prepare a diary to keep a record of latest scores or milestones achieved in a sport or by your favorite sports personality.
Next time, you plan your kid's birthday, keep sports such as football as theme and ask kids to come dressed up accordingly. Order a cake that looks like football and plan out the decor of your home as per football theme.
If you are planning to gift something to your kid on his birthday or as appreciation for school performance then gift him sports accessory such as skating kit, football, cricket bat, tennis racquet, etc that will motivate him to indulge in sports.
Last but not the least, be a player yourself. If you are an active sportsperson then most likely kids would follow your path.
Watch a tournament/ match with your kids with full enthusiasm and cheer for your favorite player. It will also evoke interest of kids in sports.
Keep yourself updated about latest in sports world and share with your kids.
Make a collage of favorite sports, collect pictures and make a scrapbook. Else you can prepare a diary to keep a record of latest scores or milestones achieved in a sport or by your favorite sports personality.
Next time, you plan your kid's birthday, keep sports such as football as theme and ask kids to come dressed up accordingly. Order a cake that looks like football and plan out the decor of your home as per football theme.
If you are planning to gift something to your kid on his birthday or as appreciation for school performance then gift him sports accessory such as skating kit, football, cricket bat, tennis racquet, etc that will motivate him to indulge in sports.
Last but not the least, be a player yourself. If you are an active sportsperson then most likely kids would follow your path.
outdoor activities - outdoor sports for kids - Travelling
We know the importance of Outdoor sports for kids and its immense benefits towards all round development of kids. We also understand the lifelong positive effects of playing outdoor sports. The kids develop confidence, gain endurance and muscle strength, learn to adapt and cooperate as an active team member. These qualities help kids throughout their life.
Now the question arises which team sports should kids play? Here are top team sports for your older kids:
Whether you have a boy or girl, you can encourage to play team sports such as Football. The game involves lots of fast and slow run, sprinting, standing, passing the ball and coordinating with other ten players to score goals. The sport is ideal to reduce fats and attain leaner but stronger physique. Also your kid will get improved flexibility, increased bone and muscle strength as well as increased aerobic capacity. Not to forget, the kids learn to play the game in disciplined way while cooperating with others.
Basketball is a fast paced game with lots of running, jumping, dribbling and passing the ball involved on the court. It can be played both outdoors as well as indoors.The game is a great way to make your kids active, physically strong, mentally tough and self-disciplined. To win the game, it requires coordination,strategy and team effort. The kids thus learn a lot of skills through this game.
Hockey requires eye-hand coordination and balance while managing the hockey stick and the ball.The hockey players benefit a lot from this game such as physical strength, flexibility, balance and stamina.
Not only this the sport imparts several life skills among players like team spirit, coordination, discipline, listening skills, patience and self esteem. All these qualities also help kids in their personal life and make them a responsible citizen of the society.
One of the most popular team sports of the world, Cricket, requires great eye hand coordination, gross motor skills, concentration and determination. The players hold, catch and throw ball which improves the motor skills and eye- hand coordination. In addition, batting the ball in correct direction increases the focus of the player. Moreover, the game also requires fast running between the wickets and around the field as well developing muscle and bone strength, flexibility and stamina. Therefore, cricket is highly recommended for young as well as older kids.
Now this game requires use of hands, focus, coordination and balance. The players attain strength in upper body, arms and shoulders as well as in legs and thighs. The sport also improves eye hand coordination, concentration and overall strength of the players. It is a good way to burn extra calories and stay fit. Encourage your kids to join the sport at school or at nearby sports classes. They would love to play volleyball on the court and on the beach as well.
The above team sports are highly recommended to make your kids energetic, healthy, emotionally stable, disciplined and social.
Now the question arises which team sports should kids play? Here are top team sports for your older kids:
Whether you have a boy or girl, you can encourage to play team sports such as Football. The game involves lots of fast and slow run, sprinting, standing, passing the ball and coordinating with other ten players to score goals. The sport is ideal to reduce fats and attain leaner but stronger physique. Also your kid will get improved flexibility, increased bone and muscle strength as well as increased aerobic capacity. Not to forget, the kids learn to play the game in disciplined way while cooperating with others.
Basketball is a fast paced game with lots of running, jumping, dribbling and passing the ball involved on the court. It can be played both outdoors as well as indoors.The game is a great way to make your kids active, physically strong, mentally tough and self-disciplined. To win the game, it requires coordination,strategy and team effort. The kids thus learn a lot of skills through this game.
Hockey requires eye-hand coordination and balance while managing the hockey stick and the ball.The hockey players benefit a lot from this game such as physical strength, flexibility, balance and stamina.
Not only this the sport imparts several life skills among players like team spirit, coordination, discipline, listening skills, patience and self esteem. All these qualities also help kids in their personal life and make them a responsible citizen of the society.
One of the most popular team sports of the world, Cricket, requires great eye hand coordination, gross motor skills, concentration and determination. The players hold, catch and throw ball which improves the motor skills and eye- hand coordination. In addition, batting the ball in correct direction increases the focus of the player. Moreover, the game also requires fast running between the wickets and around the field as well developing muscle and bone strength, flexibility and stamina. Therefore, cricket is highly recommended for young as well as older kids.
Now this game requires use of hands, focus, coordination and balance. The players attain strength in upper body, arms and shoulders as well as in legs and thighs. The sport also improves eye hand coordination, concentration and overall strength of the players. It is a good way to burn extra calories and stay fit. Encourage your kids to join the sport at school or at nearby sports classes. They would love to play volleyball on the court and on the beach as well.
The above team sports are highly recommended to make your kids energetic, healthy, emotionally stable, disciplined and social.
outdoor sports for kids - Travelling
Its the time to get outdoors and enjoy some sunshine! Staying indoors make kids lazy. So motivate them to go out of the home and enjoy a good game with you and friends.
Let's check out what all exciting activities kids can do when they are outdoors.
Ice and water game
No we don't need water for this game :))
One of the kids will chase others. When the chaser touches the runner, he will say, "ICE" and the latter will stand still till the time one of the other runners come and touch him and says, "WATER". The game will continue until all are out, that is, turned into ICE. So lots of running required here.
The game is ideal to shoo away laziness out of kids and have some pure fun. Try this game today with your little ones!
Hit with Ball
Kids love playing with balls. So enjoy this game which will make kids laugh and play all the way.
We need atleast 6-7 kids/ adults for this game. Make a circle of kids and let two of them enter the arena. Now kids on the circle will hit the two with ball and the latter have to run and save themselves. If the ball hits any of the two kids below knee then he/ she is out. The next kid will enter into the circle while others join hands to defeat him.
Isn't it a good way to charge the batteries of kids and have a good time playing outdoors?
Cycling, though an age old activity,still remains the favorite one among kids. So take your kids for cycling in a safe zone. To add to the excitement, set a timer and check how many rounds your child covers during that period. That ways, he/ she will remain keen to go for this activity. This one is yet another great way to increase stamina and strength of kids.
If your kid is passionate about skating then take out his skates and safety gear and head to the skating arena. Skating is an amazing activity that excites kids and at the same time, improves flexibility, balance, coordination as well as strength of kids. Furthermore, kids feel the freedom to roam around the place confidently. If your kid is showing interest, then enroll him in professional skating class today and see the magic!
Your five year olds can try this activity and have lots of fun. Take her to the nearby park with skipping rope and show off your skipping skills. She would be eager to try this herself.
Walk time
Go for a walk with your kids and let them enjoy some fresh air. It will provide the much needed mobility and flexibility to their muscles. Walking is a good old way to get energized, build up stamina and improve muscle strength. Besides, you gain close bonding with your children.
So here were some interesting outdoor activities for kids. Get up and be ready to take your kids out under the sun to enjoy the outdoor activities.
Related posts:
Importance of outdoor sports
Summer activities for Father and kids
Let's check out what all exciting activities kids can do when they are outdoors.
Ice and water game
No we don't need water for this game :))
One of the kids will chase others. When the chaser touches the runner, he will say, "ICE" and the latter will stand still till the time one of the other runners come and touch him and says, "WATER". The game will continue until all are out, that is, turned into ICE. So lots of running required here.
The game is ideal to shoo away laziness out of kids and have some pure fun. Try this game today with your little ones!
Hit with Ball
Kids love playing with balls. So enjoy this game which will make kids laugh and play all the way.
We need atleast 6-7 kids/ adults for this game. Make a circle of kids and let two of them enter the arena. Now kids on the circle will hit the two with ball and the latter have to run and save themselves. If the ball hits any of the two kids below knee then he/ she is out. The next kid will enter into the circle while others join hands to defeat him.
Isn't it a good way to charge the batteries of kids and have a good time playing outdoors?
Cycling, though an age old activity,still remains the favorite one among kids. So take your kids for cycling in a safe zone. To add to the excitement, set a timer and check how many rounds your child covers during that period. That ways, he/ she will remain keen to go for this activity. This one is yet another great way to increase stamina and strength of kids.
If your kid is passionate about skating then take out his skates and safety gear and head to the skating arena. Skating is an amazing activity that excites kids and at the same time, improves flexibility, balance, coordination as well as strength of kids. Furthermore, kids feel the freedom to roam around the place confidently. If your kid is showing interest, then enroll him in professional skating class today and see the magic!
Your five year olds can try this activity and have lots of fun. Take her to the nearby park with skipping rope and show off your skipping skills. She would be eager to try this herself.
Walk time
Go for a walk with your kids and let them enjoy some fresh air. It will provide the much needed mobility and flexibility to their muscles. Walking is a good old way to get energized, build up stamina and improve muscle strength. Besides, you gain close bonding with your children.
So here were some interesting outdoor activities for kids. Get up and be ready to take your kids out under the sun to enjoy the outdoor activities.
Related posts:
Importance of outdoor sports
Summer activities for Father and kids
outdoor activities - outdoor sports for kids - Travelling
Playing and growing up go hand in hand. While learning, reading and writing are important aspects of child development, playing outdoor sports is no less significant. Nowadays, meaning of playing games such as soccer and cricket has totally changed. They are played on gadgets keeping the kids glued to their sofas. However, it is extremely important to make outdoor sports an essential part of daily life of kids.
Here are crucial benefits of playing sports in the open air for kids:
Outdoor sports improve physical fitness and flexibility in kids. Running, jumping, racing or indulging in team sports in the park increases stamina of kids. Sitting in front of television or playing video games leads to nowhere while playing in the open air is a good exercise for the whole body and ensures good health. Undoubtedly, it s a good way to beat diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
Training in one or more sports will improve the skills of the kids in that sport and help him to shine in his school or locality.
Improve social skills of kids by encouraging kids to play team sports. When kids play together, they learn to interact, express their feelings, coordinate and cooperate. Playing outside with other children helps kids to shed shyness and become social naturally.
Strengthen the mental abilities of kids through sports. When kids indulge in outdoor sports on regular basis, they learn crucial personal values such as self discipline, punctuality, tolerance towards others, self-esteem and value of time. They learn to play the game with positive spirit which is much more important than winning or losing the game. Thus inculcating personal values and life skills in kids becomes easy through sports.
Outdoor sports would directly reduce the time devoted in playing with gadgets or watching television. Therefore, the kids will not over indulge in mobile phone, laptops or PSP. They would be able to appreciate good things of life and enjoy them too!
Parent-child bonding will also increase when both of them will play together. Even if parents support and encourage kids to join sports classes, the relationship between them will become stronger.
Sports time is fun filled and stress free. When kids are keen to play outdoors they have no time for boredom; they add fun element to their life. Moreover, they get away from growing stress levels and competition in their life.
Therefore, with so many benefits to gain, you can't ignore the importance of outdoor sports. Take them to nearby sports ground and enjoy a game with them. Furthermore, enroll them in sports classes for overall physical and mental growth of children.
Here are crucial benefits of playing sports in the open air for kids:
Outdoor sports improve physical fitness and flexibility in kids. Running, jumping, racing or indulging in team sports in the park increases stamina of kids. Sitting in front of television or playing video games leads to nowhere while playing in the open air is a good exercise for the whole body and ensures good health. Undoubtedly, it s a good way to beat diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
Training in one or more sports will improve the skills of the kids in that sport and help him to shine in his school or locality.
Improve social skills of kids by encouraging kids to play team sports. When kids play together, they learn to interact, express their feelings, coordinate and cooperate. Playing outside with other children helps kids to shed shyness and become social naturally.
Strengthen the mental abilities of kids through sports. When kids indulge in outdoor sports on regular basis, they learn crucial personal values such as self discipline, punctuality, tolerance towards others, self-esteem and value of time. They learn to play the game with positive spirit which is much more important than winning or losing the game. Thus inculcating personal values and life skills in kids becomes easy through sports.
Outdoor sports would directly reduce the time devoted in playing with gadgets or watching television. Therefore, the kids will not over indulge in mobile phone, laptops or PSP. They would be able to appreciate good things of life and enjoy them too!
Parent-child bonding will also increase when both of them will play together. Even if parents support and encourage kids to join sports classes, the relationship between them will become stronger.
Sports time is fun filled and stress free. When kids are keen to play outdoors they have no time for boredom; they add fun element to their life. Moreover, they get away from growing stress levels and competition in their life.
Therefore, with so many benefits to gain, you can't ignore the importance of outdoor sports. Take them to nearby sports ground and enjoy a game with them. Furthermore, enroll them in sports classes for overall physical and mental growth of children.

I am going to take care of my fitness regime seriously. Well that includes brisk walks, yoga and breathing exercises and if possible sports. I enjoy walking but I need to walk more and exercise more to stay fit and in good shape too! In addition breathing exercises are must to keep my system clean and toxin free. In fact, benefits of yoga and its breathings exercises are awesome.
I enjoy trying new dishes. Well don't ask me whether my family enjoys this as much as I do!!
Nevertheless, I am going to learn some more delicacies and introduce them to my family. Of course, I am going to click pics of these and share with all of you. Some of my recipes have got lots of attention and appreciation of readers such as Tomato Soup Recipe and Yummy Carrot Halwa. Hope the same will continue for my future posts.
This is my favourite resolution- I am going to write more which means more blog posts this year and more content writing assignments than last year. The last year saw my transformation into a budding entrepreneur. Besides, my avatars as homemaker, mother, mom blogger and writer, this new avatar of
mine kept me busy and happier too. Now all I need is to balance all these roles every day. I hope that's why I need some yoga.
There is more on the new year resolutions list like connecting more with loved ones, more outings with husband, more play time with kids, getting more organized to accomplish all these wishes!!
Phew! All these are important for me and I cannot exclude or minimize any of these. Do you also face such dilemma? Please do share with me. It is heartening to know that I am not the only one in the boat.
I am eagerly waiting for your responses.
Keep sailing smoothly and smiling......
new year resolutions - Travelling
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