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Soups are making winters warmer. Isn't it? Besides, providing plenty of nutrients, these healthy soups are great way to warm up and have pleasant time with your family.

So here I am ready with another recipe of nutritious soup which I make at home:

Mixed Vegetable Soup

Ingredients of the soup are:

 4 Spring onions, 2 red tomatoes, 5-6 florets of cauliflower, cabbage, 2 capsicum, 5-6 beans, 2 carrots, salt, black pepper powder, soy sauce, vinegar, oil,


1. Finely chop all the vegetables.
2. Heat two spoons of oil of your choice in the wok.                    
3. Add spring onions and saute for a while.
4. Now add tomatoes followed by other vegetables.
5. Saute all the vegetables at low flame till they are half cooked.
6. Add four cups of water, some salt as per taste and stir. Cook for 10 minutes at medium flame.
7.When the vegetables are cooked, add black pepper powder, two spoons soy sauce and a spoon of vinegar. Bring the soup to a boil and then turn off the heat.

Your Mixed Vegetable Soup is ready to serve. Garnish it with coriander leaves, butter/ cheese and serve it with soup sticks for more flavor.

Related link:
Tomato soup recipe
Veg Pasta Soup

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