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Mounting stress levels among kids is surely a cause of concern. Peer pressure, school performance, exam stress, extra curricular activities, bullying, cyber crimes, busy schedules, expectations of parents are some of the reasons that cause stress among kids.
Kids may not be able to understand reasons behind the growing confusion, anger, restlessness, sleepless nights, lack of concentration, low self-esteem, inability to socialize, baseless fears and insecurities. However, parents themselves have gone through these phases at one point or the other in their life and they can relate very well to the tension levels among their children. Therefore, they need to take initiative and help children to calm down and diffuse stress out of their life.
The major solution to disperse the clouds of stress is:
The undivided and unconditional love of parents to their children can shoo away any kind of confusion or tension in kids. Parents can take following steps to shower love and give whole-hearted support to their children:
All these ways are signs of Love.
Let your LOVE prevail in the minds of children and surely their stress or anxiety will blow out of their life.
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Kids may not be able to understand reasons behind the growing confusion, anger, restlessness, sleepless nights, lack of concentration, low self-esteem, inability to socialize, baseless fears and insecurities. However, parents themselves have gone through these phases at one point or the other in their life and they can relate very well to the tension levels among their children. Therefore, they need to take initiative and help children to calm down and diffuse stress out of their life.
The major solution to disperse the clouds of stress is:
The undivided and unconditional love of parents to their children can shoo away any kind of confusion or tension in kids. Parents can take following steps to shower love and give whole-hearted support to their children:
- Pay attention and provide exclusive time to your stressed out kid. Switch off your mobile and laptops for some time when your kid wants you to be with him or her.
- Listen to his/ her thoughts, feelings and fears. Allow him to open up and vent out whatever is going in his/ her head.
- Lend your shoulder and let him/ her cry for sometime. Contrary to general belief, crying helps to relieve pain and reduce stress. It helps to maintain an emotional fitness of a person.
- Do not let kids repress or hide their feelings. The sooner they share emotions, better are the chances they will come out of the trauma/ pain.
- Show them the brighter side of situation. Your kind and encouraging words will have deep impact on the psyche of the child. You can turn a bad phase into a stepping stone and convert frowns into smiles.
All these ways are signs of Love.
Let your LOVE prevail in the minds of children and surely their stress or anxiety will blow out of their life.
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Good sleep is as important as good nutrition for kids.The kids need to have good sleeping habits in order to have positive development of mind and body. On the other hand, insufficient sleep can lead to an array of problems for kids. Read further to discover the benefits of good sleep for kids:
Adequate rest to the brain
Proper and sufficient sleep provides the much needed rest to the brain. After a long working day at school and playing around, the brain needs to calm down, store essential information and stay at peace. All this is possible when the kid goes to sleep.

Relaxed muscles and body
The kids burn their energy while running, playing, studying, memorizing lessons, etc due to which their body gets tired. To relax the over stressed body and tired muscles, sleep is the best solution.
Boosts Immune System
An interesting way to boost the immune system is to provide enough sleep to children. A baby needs sleep of minimum-13 hours while a kid of seven years should sleep at least for 9 hours to stay healthy. Enough sleep improves the defense mechanism in the body.When a child is sick, he/ she recovers fast when he/ she sleeps better and for longer time as it builds defenses of the body.
Improves performance
If you want your child to improve in school performance then encourage him/ her to sleep sufficiently. Sleep energizes the battery of kids and make them more active and alert.
Enhances memory and concentration
Good sleep increases the memory and helps to process and store information in a better way whereas the kids who sleep less are likely to have less concentration and memory.
Sleep reduces stress
To reduce stress, sleeping is a great way. To relax the stressed mind and body, after a tiring day or traumatic event, sleep is the right solution.
Lesser Behavior problems
Lack of sleep leads to several behavioral issues such as anxiety, stress, anger, hyperactivity, etc. Therefore, motivate kids to go to bed on time and take enough of sleep daily.
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Adequate rest to the brain
Proper and sufficient sleep provides the much needed rest to the brain. After a long working day at school and playing around, the brain needs to calm down, store essential information and stay at peace. All this is possible when the kid goes to sleep.
Relaxed muscles and body
The kids burn their energy while running, playing, studying, memorizing lessons, etc due to which their body gets tired. To relax the over stressed body and tired muscles, sleep is the best solution.
Boosts Immune System
An interesting way to boost the immune system is to provide enough sleep to children. A baby needs sleep of minimum-13 hours while a kid of seven years should sleep at least for 9 hours to stay healthy. Enough sleep improves the defense mechanism in the body.When a child is sick, he/ she recovers fast when he/ she sleeps better and for longer time as it builds defenses of the body.
Improves performance
If you want your child to improve in school performance then encourage him/ her to sleep sufficiently. Sleep energizes the battery of kids and make them more active and alert.
Enhances memory and concentration
Good sleep increases the memory and helps to process and store information in a better way whereas the kids who sleep less are likely to have less concentration and memory.
Sleep reduces stress
To reduce stress, sleeping is a great way. To relax the stressed mind and body, after a tiring day or traumatic event, sleep is the right solution.
Lesser Behavior problems
Lack of sleep leads to several behavioral issues such as anxiety, stress, anger, hyperactivity, etc. Therefore, motivate kids to go to bed on time and take enough of sleep daily.
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benefits of sleep for kids
Ever wondered why a baby sleeps well when her mother sings a lullaby for her? The sounds of music has great impact on the mind and body of a person. The same applies in the case of kids and even babies.
Music is not a subject to be studied in school. It is not just another form of art. Music can make life beautiful and peaceful. When you make music an inseparable part of life, you are switching on to a better lifestyle. Read on to discover the various benefits of music especially for kids:
Therefore, encourage kids to listen or play music of their choice. Give them the gift of music and show them the way to lead a better life.
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Music is not a subject to be studied in school. It is not just another form of art. Music can make life beautiful and peaceful. When you make music an inseparable part of life, you are switching on to a better lifestyle. Read on to discover the various benefits of music especially for kids:
- Learning process becomes easier with music.Mingle education with music and you will notice improved learning skills as well as memory in kids. The children who are inclined and exposed to music are fast learners in comparison to those who are deprived from music.Hence, it is better to provide exposure to music.
- Music induces the brain to develop reading and comprehension skills in a better way. Music improves the pre-reading skills and spoken language skills.
- Music is of great help to develop motor skills, dexterity and eye-hand coordination among small kids. When a kid learns a musical instrument such as guitar, drums, piano or violin, the brain prepares itself to strike a balance between the eyes and hands. In addition, dancing on music also stimulates better coordination between the brain and body.
- Music boosts the self confidence of a child.By learning vocal music or an instrument, the child develops the confidence of learning a skill on their own. It helps to raise their self esteem.
- By joining music classes, the kids become more social and develop communication skills.
- The kids learn the importance of team and ways to behave as a team member.They learn to coordinate in a better way.
- Music teaches discipline and patience to kids. For learning music, the kid needs to have dedication, self restraint and patience.
- Music is a great stress buster for kids. Switch on a pleasant song or rhyme and you can see kids tapping their feet, singing along and having a great time. Music relieves the stressed muscles and soothes the minds. After a hectic day at school, music helps the children to rejuvenate and cheer up. That ways they can pay attention to other aspects of life with energy and zest.
Therefore, encourage kids to listen or play music of their choice. Give them the gift of music and show them the way to lead a better life.
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Quick Stress busters for kids
benefits of music for kids - stress buster for kids
Did you laugh with your kid today? When was the last time you shared a joke or funny episode with your children? If you do not remember then it is not a good signal! Laughing with kids has multiple benefits for you as well as your kids. It has a positive impact that lasts for days. If you still don't understand the benefits you derive from laughing out loud with your kids then read on these pointers:
- Share a joke with your children to bring smile on their faces. Everybody loves smiling kids and not crying ones. So, do your bit and make your kid smile.
- Laughing out loud eases the tensed muscles. When you laugh together, you instantly disperse any underlying stress in your child's mind.
- Laughing is beneficial for emotional health. When you have a hearty laugh with your family, you are keeping negative emotions such as sadness, anger, hopelessness, etc., away.
- Laughing is a good exercise for various facial muscles which are otherwise inactive most of the times.
- Everybody know laughter is a good medicine. Even in bad times or going through illness, laughing helps to get relief from serious symptoms and fatigue. It provides good workout to your heart.
- Habit of laughing induces healthy hormones and boosts immunity system of body.
- Laughter brings positivism in life. If you wish to raise happy and optimistic kids then laugh with them often. Apart from health benefits, laughter also has some social benefits. It brings a family together. Laughter is the best way to bring your children as well as parents closer to you.
- The kids who spend more happy times with their family will have better emotional, physical and mental health.
So, all the caring parents who are reading this post, make it a point to have a laughing session with your kids everyday.
benefits of laughter - raise happy kids
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